AboutWhat is World Uchinanchu Day?

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- About World Uchinanchu day
- Declaration of governor Takeshi Onaga,Andres Higa and Tadashi Andres Ysa Urbina
What is World Uchinanchu Day?
Declaration of governor Takeshi Onaga,Andres Higa and Tadashi Andres Ysa Urbina
Today, we want to say something to the Uchinanchu of the world.
We Uchinanchu have it all.
We Uchinanchu have the power to shape the future.
We Uchinanchu have hope for the future.
We Uchinanchu have the valor to set off into the world.
We Uchinanchu have the generosity to forgive each other.
We Uchinanchu have the spirit of mutual aid to help each other.
We Uchinanchu have a rich traditional culture.
We Uchinanchu have the fortitude to overcome difficulties.
We Uchinanchu have gratitude for our ancestors in our hearts.
We Uchinanchu have love for our families in our hearts.
We Uchinanchu have love for all those we meet in our hearts.
We Uchinanchu have love for our ancestral home in our hearts.
We Uchinanchu have a love for peace in our hearts.
We Uchinanchu are proud to be Uchinanchu.
And we Uchinanchu are one.
As we do every five years, the Uchinanchu of the world have gathered once again, and once again our hearts have become one.
Let us celebrate the fact that we are all Uchinanchu.
Let us celebrate today, October 30th, as the day when the Uchinanchu of the world came together, and let us call it “World Uchinanchu Day.”
Let us establish today, October 30th, as “World Uchinanchu Day,” and let us engrave it with pride on our Uchinanchu souls.
I am proud to stand before you to declare this day “World Uchinanchu Day.”
This most auspicious of days will forever be known as “World Uchinanchu Day.”
Congratulations to all the Uchinanchu from all over the world!
Ippee nifee deebiru. Thank you very much. Muchas gracias. Muito Obrigado. Chibaranaya-sai. Do your best.