Malaysia Okinawa Kai
- Activity base
- Asia(Malaysia)
- Malaysia Okinawa Kai About
Membership 28 (As of 2016) Established 1995 Chairperson Yoko Miyagi (Since 1995) Organization Overview ・Current chairperson is Ms. Yoko Miyagi. Selection of the chairperson was not stated and the term is not established.
・It was established in 1995, and from the time of establishement, Ms. Miyagi has been in charge of the organization, not as its chairperson, but as a person taking care of it.Affiliated Org. None Related Org. None Publication None - Malaysia Okinawa Kai Activity contents
Description ・It seems to be holding some activities, but details of activities such as frequency, participant's age, or description of the activities were not provided. Own scholarship program None Exchange with other region None - ウチナーンチュ大会への参加
number of times - 2nd
- 4people
- 3rd
- 4people
- 4th
- 2people
- 5th
- 3people
- 6th
- 3people