
AboutLethbridge Okinawa Cultural Society

Lethbridge Okinawa Cultural Society

Activity base
North America(Canada)
Lethbridge Okinawa Cultural Society About
Membership25 family memberships and 8 single memberships
Organization OverviewThe organization is not restricted to the paid memberships as many family members and friends who do not reside in or near Lethbridge but like to keep contact with the Okinawa Cultural Society.
・It was established in1966.
The objectives of establishment are:
1. To promote mutual cooperation and friendship among its members.
2. To promote exchanges between the association and the motherland Okinawa.
・Structure of the organization:
・The board of directors is comprised of a president, vice-president, treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, 2 senior advisors, 2 social convenors and a goodwill ambassador. The board meets 4 times a year to plan activities and events, corresponded and communicate with other Kenjinkais and with OPG and participate and support events in the community.
・There is an annual general meeting which is typically held in late January or early February to review the past year, to hold elections and to discuss the business of the organization.
Related Org.None
Lethbridge Okinawa Cultural Society Activity contents
Description【Cooperated with a documentary film】
・Members organized and hosted a documentary film on the Battle of Okinawa.
【Joint Venture: Canada's 150 Anniversary and Nikka Yuko Japanese Gardens 50th Anniversary】
・100 dancers organized and led by member Pat Sasa. Bento boxes were prepared by Koko restaurant. Former president Taka Kinjo was awarded a sportsman award from the Sports Council of Lethbridge.
・Cooperated with Darren Aoki's research on the Okinawan Canadians on post World War II.
・Bridging Cultures lectures held once a week by the Southern Alberta Ethnic Association.
Own scholarship programNone
Encourage young people to participate in OPG projects such as Kokusai Program in Okinawa, Junior Study Tour and other programs available
Exchange with other regionYes
The Kenjikai supports the Haebaru Town and Lethbridge City sistership relations Students from Haebaru visit Lethbridge every two years. (There have been 7 visits)

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