Chiho Higa
My name is Chiho Higa. I am the current Representative Director of WYUA. In 2011, I had an opportunity to meet people from Kenjinkai in America and they were very kind to me so I wanted to return a favor by interacting with people from my generation and spreading my experience with them.
Current activities
At the moment, I mainly organize an exchange event called World Youth Uchinanchu Festival, which is for the younger generation between 18 to 35. Apart from that, I set up field research and study sessions in Okinawa prefecture.
Future Outlook
I think that feelings towards Okinawa or feelings as an Uchinanchu transform into kindness and “chimugukuru”, and I believe that these kinds of compassion are necessary in the world and it acts as a power to contribute in the future, so I welcome everyone to join us and do something interesting and exciting! I will be waiting for you in Okinawa.