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2024.6.28 Okinawan KEMPI Students’ Okinawa Adventu…
2024.4.12 \OAA's 5th Annual Okinawan Craft Fair/
2023.7.18 Information from ICLC Okinawa Japanese L…
2023.2.22 [Interview] 2022 Kempi International stu…
2023.2.22 [Interview] 2022 Kempi International stu…
2022.11.02 【Request for your cooperation in the sur…
2022.6.29 \\Online Interact Meeting with Ryushin R…
2022.6.01 【2021 Uchinā Goodwill Ambassador Activit…
2021.10.16 \Reiwa 4 (2022) Uchinā Goodwill Ambassad…
2021.10.13 【Bolivia・Mai Nakamura】《Introduction of 2…

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