Unveiling of the Uchina Network Concierge (UNC)
6:26 PM
The unveiling of the Uchina Network Concierge (UNC) office was held at JICA Okinawa on March 30, 2021. Presidents of the International Associations of the Okinawa prefecture attended the event and members from the Okinawa Association of Bolivia, Hawaii, Peru, and Canada participated virtually. We exchanged dialogues with Mr. Higa, President of the Bolivian Okinawa Kenjin Kai, and Mr. Isa, President of the Okinawa Bolivian Association.
The main function of the Concierge, in addition to handling the acceptance of participants for the Okinawan Emigrants' Descendent and Asian Scholarship Program, with the interactions with alumni of the program as its base, is to strengthen human networks between Okinawa and the world. Currently, there are only limited opportunities such as the World Uchinā Festival for the people of Okinawa to interact with those who are a part of the World Uchinā Network around the world. With this initiative, we plan to actively use SNS and hold online exchange events, and revitalize daily exchanges between Okinawa and overseas/domestic Uchinā Network members.
The UNC was established with the cooperation of JICA, which has been providing support for emigrants to Latin America and is currently promoting projects in cooperation with the Japanese community.
In the future, we will also collaborate with the Prefectural Library and the Prefectural Museum and Art Museum to collect information on immigration materials.
Thank you to Mr. Ohyama, President of the Okinawa Pan American Federation, Mr. Shoji, Director of the Citizen Participation and Cooperation Division of JICA Okinawa, and all those who attended.
In the future, we would like to interact with various community members via online events and listen to their opinions. Thank you for your cooperation.