

Why don’t you interact with Nagonchu around the world?

Why don’t you interact with Nagonchu around the world?

The World Uchinanchu Day was started from here, Nago five years ago.

To commemorate the 5th anniversary, we are planning to have an Exchange Meeting with Nagonchu,
all over the world via Zoom.

Nagonchu and their descendants who went out from Nago to the world.

Now is the time to connect across the seas.

Let's connect because it is Nago, beyond generations.

Register here: QR or

Japan:10/17 Sun 8:00am
Hawaii:10/16 Sat 1:00pm
Peru:10/16 Sat 6:00pm
Bolivia :10/16 Sat 7:00pm
Brazil:10/16 Sat 8:00pm
Argentine:10/16 Sat 8:00pm

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