

2nd Practical Spanish Beginner Course ~Learning Spanish and the History and Culture of Okinawan who immigrated to Latin America ~

¡Hola! Hello everyone!

We, UNC held the 2nd Practical Spanish Beginner Course on Wednesday, July 5!

Once again, we learned about the Uchinanchu network and Spanish with Andres Higa as our instructor. The theme this time was "Numbers," so we started with uno, dos, tres (one, two, three), and as an application, we expressed the number of Uchinanchu around the world in Spanish! In the second half of the course, participants practiced about shopping and distance in a game format with Andres, the instructor, who was dressed in Bolivian traditional costume! The participants tried their best to speak Spanish while looking at the printouts in order to apply what they had learned! ¡Todos lo hicisteis muy bien! Everyone did a great job!

Please look forward to the 3rd Spanish Beginner Course as well!



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