
Uchina Columnウチナーコラム

Hideaki Eduardo Magalhaes (2019 Exchange Student Sponsored by the Prefecture from Brazil)


Hideaki Eduardo Magalhaes


Hello, my name is Hideaki Eduardo Magalhaes. Nice to meet you.

Current activities

I started to take part in Association Okinawa Kenjin in Brazil 2 years ago. I applied for the program because I wanted to go to Okinawa to find out about my roots. Now, I attend Okinawa International University in Ginowan city, taking Japanese class and Ryukyuan language class. Other than that, I practice Matsubayashi-Ryu karate at a karate dojo in Tomigusuku.

A Message to the Youth

Let's value the traditional culture of Okinawa through the network with people who have Okinawan roots from worldwide.


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