We are Now Accepting Video Submissions for “Kagiyadefu in Landscapes Around the World”

In order to encourage the creation of new history and culture by our own hands, the
prefecture has declared November 1st of every year as "Ryukyu History and Culture Day".
To commemorate the day, we are now accepting submissions for videos of Kagiyadefu in landscapes around the world. The video will be broadcast at the "Commemorative Ceremony
for the Enactment of Ryukyu History and Culture Day" on November 1st, and the ceremony
will be streamed online. Let's celebrate the new commemorative day with all the Uchinanchu from around the world!
◆Ryukyu History and Culture Day official website (https://ryukyubunka.jp/)
◆Kagiyadefu video submission form (English) (https://ryukyubunka.jp/kajadifuen/)
◆Application deadline: September 30th