

[Uchinā Junior Study 2021] 6th Learning Program

The 6th learning program of the Uchinā Junior Study Program was held online last September 18-20.

On the first day, staff member Higa acted as a reporter and walked around the streets of Urasoe with the theme of learning about people of Japanese descent living in Okinawa.

We ran into Mr. Iguchi from Argentina!

We also visited Caminito's Argentine restaurant.

As I was asking the manager, Mr. Moromizato, questions about how he created the restaurant and about life in Argentina and Okinawa, there was another person from Argentina!

He’s Mr. Martin!
He created the Shisa based on his experience of studying at the Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts for a year 👏.

The students had lots of questions!

Of course, to make it fun for the participants, we coordinated with Mr. Iguchi, Mr. Moromizato, and Mr. Martin beforehand and they pretended to have an encounter
Thank you for your cooperation!

On the second day, our staff member Ikemori reported Itoman City!

Mr. Uehara, who was dispatched to Mongolia as a member of JICA's Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, JOCV, gave us a talk and showed us around the Itoman Uminchu Kobo and Museum, where he currently works!

The participants were very interested to hear about his life in Mongolia, where the climate is completely different from Okinawa, and his experience teaching sports. 

After gaining experience in Mongolia, Ms. Uehara felt that he needed to know more about Japan and Okinawa, and is now back in his hometown, working for the community.

Thank you very much for sharing your story with us, which will give the UJS participants a chance to think about their next steps!

On the third day, we asked alumni of the Uchinanchu Junior Study Project to help us and share their experiences with us. At the end of the day, we also discussed ideas to make "World Uchinanchu Day" more exciting!

(An alumnus who has also been a youth leader)

(We heard from Mr. Andres Higa as a proponent of the enactment.)

Each team came up with many unique ideas! Thank you to all the alumni for your support!

One representative will be announced at The world Uchinanchu Day' Talk Live  on October 30. Look forward to it! 

The 1st Learning Program
The 2nd Learning Program
The first half of the 3rd Learning Program
The second half of the 3rd Learning Program
The 4th Learning Program
The 5th Leaning Program

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